
Having graduated from the Royal College of Music in 2018, Krystian is versed in the Classical traditions as well as having an acute technical understanding of modern popular music. 

Composer, orchestrator, song-writer, producer, lyricist, classical concert pianist, and performer, Krystian engages with vocalists and other featured musicians to realise and fulfil his musical visions. 

Krystian has a natural affinity with the piano. It is this relationship that drives all of his songs and compositions. His initial songs have an Avicii-esque quality to them. Given his classical background, he intends to develop upon this by integrating orchestral and virtuosic forces into his music.

Born in Jersey, Krystian attended De La Salle College between the ages of four and eighteen. His musical studies were initially facilitated by Chris George at the Jersey Academy of Music before moving to London to study under Professor Nigel Clayton at the Royal College of Music.

In 2018 Krystian composed the score for the short animation New Devonia that was premiered at the British Film Institute in London and accepted into multiple film festivals including the prestigious Thessaloniki Festival. New Devonia was also a winner of the Award of Excellence in the IMDB recognised LA based One Reeler Short Film Competition. 

Throughout his time at the Royal College of Music, Krystian regularly performed as a concert pianist in venues across London, as well as performing his own piano compositions for distinguished individuals and other high-ranking dignitaries at fundraising and charitable events.

Krystian is a former recipient of the Olive Brown Bursary.